Eco-Advent Calendars
Tis’ the season for our children to WANT, WANT, WANT! I struggle each year around this time to remind my 6 year old that it’s not all about presents and Santa. He had a homework project this week to...
View ArticleAdvent Day 3 Family Time
I wish it wasn’t almost midnight and that I had actually taken some pictures of our evening. If you read my recent post about Eco-Advent Calendars you remember that I am taking a cue from a friend of...
View ArticleWhat Matters Most to You?
I’m really trying this year to not get carried away with all the commercialism of the season. I’ve realized this year that my son takes a lot of things for granted because he’s never ‘needed’ anything...
View ArticleOldie But Goodie – Eco-Advent Calendars
Please enjoy my Oldies But Goodies while I take a break from the computer and enjoy my family and other things that I’m THANKFUL for this year. New content will return next week! Tis’ the season for...
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